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Fault and fracture reactivation analysis by 4D geomechanical integrated modelling in one of a depleted carbonate oil field of Iran
Fault and fracture reactivation analysis by 4D geomechanical integrated modelling in one of a depleted carbonate oil field of Iran
  2024 August 20
  Author:Mr. Mahmoudreza khalilbeyg

Fault and fracture reactivation analysis by 4D geomechanical integrated modelling in one of a depleted carbonate oil field of Iran

Mahmoudreza Khalilbeyg, Senior Geomechanics Engineer
Amir Mollajan, Geophysics Engineer


Reservoir geomechanics has become a relevant subject for the petroleum industry during the last decades. There are many benefits on improving geomechanics understanding, including better characterization of reservoir volume deformation and impact on rock permeability (compaction and dilation), prediction of surface subsidence, reducing risks of fault reactivation and out-of-zone hydraulic fracture propagation during water flooding, or other improved oil recovery process. Due to the complexity of the problems and coupled interactions between production, injection, and stress change, a comprehensive analysis requires numerical modelling involving the coupling of geomechanics with porous media fluid flow, injection and fault behavior. All of these factors make it very difficult to predict the state of stress associated with a well before drilling and make it even harder to predict stress changes over time. Those changes can have important and unexpected consequences if the well is to be stimulated, left as an open- hole completion, and if the environs faults will be reactivated.


 The study field has been an oil-producing area in southern Iran for nearly 50 years. Complex geological structure and varying levels of depletion scenarios require geomechanical analysis of the reservoir to enhance its production and mitigate geomechanical risks. This paper describes creating a time-lapse (4D) integrated geomechanical model by generating 3D maps of mechanical properties and a 3D stress state that can be altered over time as pore pressure changes, then explores pressure depletion and related stress changes effects on faults and fractures reactivation. The first phase of the study was an integrated stress analysis using Image logs and sonic anisotropy interpretation. 1D–3D Mechanical Earth Model was built by gridding the reservoir and populate the model with mechanical properties. The third phase provided a distribution of stresses and associated strains under initial conditions using finite element calculations. Ultimately, stress and strain changes associated with depletion simulated by the reservoir flow model were determined during the fourth phase of study. In the resulting model, different critical coordinates points from the initial year (1992) to 2045 were selected five time-steps. Results show no critical faults reactivation but by increasing production time the instability of fractures gradually rises by stress regime changes.


The studied field is a structurally and geomechanical challenging field in which a 3D stress modelling approach significantly help in recognizing the relationships between the variety of factors that control the reservoir’s mechanical behavior and overburden status. 3D maps of the mechanical properties and stress were developed for the area and were applied in several different aspects of well design. The key conclusions reached for the area analyzed in this analysis are:

(1) The studied field includes a wide variety of structural and geological complexity, such as different kinds of fractures (major, medium, minor and hairline open fracture) and giant thrust faults. One of the different aspects of this study is to include all geomechanical procedures from 1D to 3D geomechanics and finally focus on faults reactivation in the reservoir. It was tried to integrate all general approaches with the geomechanical study as a new method to optimize reservoir management.

(2) The modelling process described here has utilized a variety of data (static model, logs, drilling parameters, test data, . . .) to generate calibrated estimates of 3D geomechanical parameters and in-situ stresses that have been used in time-lapse (4D) geomechanics. For this purpose, mechanical properties extracted from logs demonstrate fair consistency between various studied field wells which were modelled as 1D MEM. The VISAGE measured 3D stress field is compatible with the 1D stress profiles at wells calibrated using breakouts, mud losses and other drilling events. The in-situ stresses were matched using different Shmin magnitudes and SHmax/Shmin ratios in all intervals and All stress characterization such as direction and magnitude in 3D were inline by 1D MEM and regional stress in the studied field.

(3) A fault and fracture potential reactivation study were conducted in well #4 for Gurpi formation of the studied field. To observe stress changes on the vicinity of the major faults from initial time (1992) to 2045, different critical coordinates points were selected on the time-lapse (4D) geomechanical model which includes five steps time in 1992, 2002, 2017, 2018 and 2054. Possible reactivation of the studied faults was investigated by Mohr’s circles’ plot for all mentioned points in different step times. Results show that there is no critical faults reactivation based on Mohr’s circles’ results in points near to main studied faults and accordingly, the production phase could be done safely without any faults slips in the studied field. On the other hand, it can be concluded, over time and with oil production operation, the instability of fractures gradually rises and some of the fractures which were stable in the initial condition, show some instability behavior after depletion of the reservoir which is affected by changes in the studied field stress regime.

(4) Fault and fracture stability analysis was the final purpose of this time-lapse (4D) geomechanical study which in each time step, matches the results and can be almost sure about results accuracy. The 3D geomechanics model could be improved and completed by involving pressure data due to different depletion and gas injection scenarios.




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