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Deputy Petroleum Minister: Petropars is a Competent and Pioneer Company
Deputy Petroleum Minister: Petropars is a Competent and Pioneer Company

Deputy Petroleum Minister: Petropars is a Competent and Pioneer Company

  2015 December 07
Deputy Petroleum Minister: Petropars is a Competent and Pioneer Company In the course of the ceremo...


In the course of the ceremony held on the occasion of generation of electricity by the main power station of Phase 12 Refinery which was held on January 31, 2013 (Bahman 12, 1391), Engineer Ghalehbani, Deputy Petroleum Minister, described Petropars as a competent and pioneer company.
According to a report released by Public Relations and International Affairs Department of Petropars, Engineer Ghalehbani, who is Deputy Minister of Petroleum and Managing Director of the National Iranian Oil Company, delivered a short address to congratulate 34th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and commencement of the 10-Day Dawn. He further commented that the generation of electricity by the main power station of Phase 12 Refinery was the fortunate outcome of unsparing attempts and endeavors made by national and international contractors. Petropars is a competent and pioneer company and the priceless experiences it has gained in the course of implementation of Phases 6-8 have all contributed to turning Petropars into a company which is different from other companies: a quality which promotes the level of expectations with respect to this company’s abilities and capabilities.
Engineer Ghalehbani, Deputy Petroleum Minister, extended his gratitude and thankfulness and expressed his pleasure over the attempts made so far by Petropars and reiterated that POGC was fully prepared and willing to extend all-out and comprehensive assistance to Petropars to help commission and exploit Phase 12 as scheduled.

It should be noted that included among the ranking and managers and senior officials who attended the ceremonies held for generation of electricity by the main power station of Phase 12 Refinery were Engineer Ghalehbani, NIOC’s highly-placed mangers, Engineer Sepehri, POGC Deputy Managing Director, as well as other ranking managers from POGC, Engineer Shams, Petropars CEO, Mr. Kim, Senior Manager of DSKI Joint Venture, some highly-placed mangers from Petropars, plus a number of contractors and employees stationed at Site of Phase 12.