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In Conference on Commissioning of Power Station No. 1 Project Executors Unanimously Chant “WE CAN”
In Conference on Commissioning of Power Station No. 1 Project Executors Unanimously Chant “WE CAN”

In Conference on Commissioning of Power Station No. 1 Project Executors Unanimously Chant “WE CAN”

  2015 December 07
Project Executors Unanimously Chant “WE CAN” The Conference on Making the Ground for Commissioning ...


According to a report released by the Public Relations and International Affairs Department of Petropars, the Conference on Making the Ground for Commissioning of Power Station No. 1 and Steam Generation in EPC2 of Phase 12 of South Pars Gas Field Development, which was attended by Engineer Mohammad-Javad Shams, Petropars CEO, Dr Akbari, Phase 12 Project Manager from Petropars, Engineer Park, Phase 12 Project Manager from Daelim who is also the Leader of Phase 12 Consortium as well as other ranking managers and contractors, was inaugurated on Wednesday morning January 23, 2013 (Bahman 04, 1391).

In his opening address, Engineer Mohammad-Javad Shams, Petropars CEO, expressed his gratitude and thankfulness for the attempts made so far and urged for further attempts to generate steam on the date as scheduled. In another part of his speech, Shams welcomed Mr. Kim and thanked Mr. Park for his unsparing attempts in the course of time he acted as the Manager of Daelim Project and also as the Leader of the Joint Venture.

Engineer Mohammad-Javad Shams opened his address saying “Man can do nothing but to endeavour” and made an analogy when he said “Football is so popular because it tells the essence of the story of our life. When all members of a football team exhibit a coordinated cooperation and collaboration, they certainly win and attain their goal even if it needs some extra time. We are standing here today as a the fortunate result of so many years of coordinated attempts and cordial team work performed by all individuals in charge and executive entities including, but not limited to, the contractors, sub-contractors, Petropars and the Project Employer.”

He further stated, “Prior to this Project, Petropars was in charge of developing Phases 6, 7 and 8 which was then considered as the greatest project in the history of Iran’s oil and gas history, while nowadays it is Phase 12 which is defined as the greatest project in oil and gas industries. Every time there is a piece of news on Phase 12 in the mass media including radio and TV stations, we feel so honored and privileged to state that we have a share in this project and that we at Petropars have contributed to its development.”

Saying that we have 51 days to go before March 15, 2013 (Esfand 25, 1391) which is the date scheduled for completion of this Project, Shams added, “A slightest change in the said date can actually postpone completion of the Project till the next Iranian year. Hence, as we unanimously chanted “WE CAN”, we should unanimously undertake and be committed to have steam generated on March 15, (Esfand 25) or even better before that date. To this end we need to double-fold our attempts.”

Petropars CEO extended his gratitude and thankfulness to Engineer Park who acted as Phase 12 Project Manager from Daelim and who was also the Leader of Phase 12 Consortium in this Project, and added that the banner of responsibility in this respect is handed over by Mr. Park to Mr. Kim. To conclude his address, Engineer Shams mentioned a famous saying which goes “If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well” and urged all members of the Consortium to extend sincere collaboration and cordial cooperation as usual and to double-fold their attempts to complete the Project on time as scheduled.”

Dr Akbari, Phase 12 Project Manager, extended his thankfulness to all individuals and entities involved one way or other in the 80% progress made so far in this Project and added, “Now that we are approaching the time to commission the Project and to produce gas, it is a great pleasure and source of honor for me, as a member of Petropars family, to say that the attempts made by you the laborers, specialists, managers as well as all people who joined us from abroad, have borne fruit.”

Dr Akbari further stated the heavy responsibilities and unsparing endeavors shouldered by our colleagues will contribute to timely commissioning of the facilities and the Project. Hence, we have no option but to make our utmost attempts and to maximize our endeavors to complete the Project with the highest quality possible.

It is worth stating that to conclude the Conference, the managers and contractors attending the Conference visited different sections of the Project and subsequently singed and concluded an agreement for timely completion of the Project on the date as scheduled, and to indicate and expose their determination, the managers and workers all together and unanimously chanted “WE CAN” both in Persian and in English.