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The First Press Conference at Phase 19 Site
The First Press Conference at Phase 19 Site

The First Press Conference at Phase 19 Site

  2016 August 28
The first press conference was held with the Managing Directors of Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC) and Petropars Iran at the site of Phase 19.


A report released by the Public Relations and International Affairs Department of Petropars Group says that the press conference was attended by well over 90 reporters from home and international correspondents from abroad as well as documentary-producers. Initially the reporters and correspondents visited different areas and corners of Phase 19 site and eye-witnessed the progress made in the Project, and subsequently assembled at the Conference Hall of Phase 19 Site and asked their questions from Engineer Shabanpour, Managing Director of Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC) and Engineer Alireza’i, Managing Director of Petropars Iran, including other ranking directors and managers of the said companies.
Engineer Shabanpour expressed his pleasure over the operations performed by Petropars and commented that Phase 19 of South Pars was pioneer among the         so-called 35-month projects and, since Phase 19 was commissioned ahead of the time schedule set to this end, he extended his gratitude to the managers and directors of Petropars.
Engineer Alireza’i stated that Phase 19 was the first phase at South Pars Gas Field which was commissioned, in contrast to other phases, relying on the off-shore gas. He reiterated that all steps and stages required for development of Phase 19 of South Pars were executed simultaneously and that the system for removal of sulfur from gas of Phase 19 will be commissioned shortly.
Engineer Alireza’i further declared that the third row of gas sweetening of refinery of Phase19 will go operational within the days to come in Shahrivar 1395.
The press conference concluded by the questions asked by the reporters and correspondents from the managing directors and subsequently all participants took part in the celebrations to cut the cake which marked the “Reportes Day” and attended the luncheon arranged by Petropars.