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Outgoing and Incoming Managing Directors of POMC
Outgoing and Incoming Managing Directors of POMC

Outgoing and Incoming Managing Directors of POMC

  2017 April 11
Outgoing and Incoming Managing Directors of POMC Attend the Ceremony Held at the Presence of POMC and PPL-Affiliated Companies’ Directors and Senior Employees

In the course of the ceremonies held on Tuesday April 11, 2017 (Farvardin 22, 1396) simultaneous with the Holy Birthday of Imam Ali, at the place of South Pars Phase 19 Conference Hall, appreciations and gratitude were extended to Engineer Salehi, the outgoing Managing Director of POMC, and the incoming Managing Director of POMC, Engineer Pazouki, was introduced to the directors and senior employees. 



A report by Public Relations Department of POMC reads “Included among the participants were the managers and directors of Petropars-affiliated companies and Petropars Iran, a group of senior directors and employees of the said companies, Engineer Masoudi, the Executor of Phase 19 and Phase 14 of South Pars Gas Field, a body of managers and directors from Pars Oil and Gas Company, directors of South Pars Gas Complex Company as well as a number of directors and senior employees of POMC. At the beginning of the ceremony, appreciations were extended to Engineer Salehi, who was retired recently, for his unsparing efforts and attempst during the years of his service. Then Engineer Gholam-Reza Pazouki was introduced as the newly-appointed Managing Director of POMC. 
To open the ceremony, the Managing Director of Petropars Iran, Engineer Alirezai, who is also Chairman of the General Meeting of POMC’s shareholders, delivered a lecture to praise the effective attempts and unsparing follow-ups made by Engineer Salehi: efforts which promoted and upgraded the status and ranking of POMC. He went on to ask Engineer Masoudi, as the representative of the Employer and the Executor of Phase 19 and Phase 14 of South Pars, to keep trust as before in Petropars Group Companies including POMC and to cede new projects to POMC in the future.   
He described Engineer Pazouki as an experienced and seasoned engineer working for Petropars Group companies. He went on to add that one of his advantages was that he was well-aware of and familiar with the structure of Petropars and that his being a member of the Board of Directors of POMC and his functioning as the Managing Director of POMC would open promising horizons for the Company. 
In the comments made subsequently by Engineer Masoudi, he elaborated on the present state of Phase 19 Project and mentioned that the following week President Rouhani was scheduled to inaugurate the Refinery of Phase 19. He further said that the young and competent workforce engaged in POMC was a great advantage for POMC thanks to their great experiences in the Refinery Section of Phase 19 as well as previous projects which would enable them to utilize their capabilities in other projects related to South Pars Gas Field, both onshore and offshore.
At this stage a video clip was broadcast for the audience which depicted the early days when Engineer Salehi was appointed the Managing Director of POMC. At that time he had made comments concerning the projects undertaken then by POMC, including CMMS Project, as well as the capabilities of POMC in connection with HSE, and the capacity of POMC employees for commissioning and exploitation of industrial projects. When the video clip came to its end, Engineer Salehi came to the podium and described the operations and activities he had undertaken during the years of his service as POMC’s Managing Director. 
Engineer Salehi presented a short account of the years of his service at Petropars and POMC and added that it was a source of pride for him to be retired at Petropars. 
He further said as he was retired he could not continue with his functions and duties as the Managing Director of POMC, but assured the audience that he would spare no attempts for the continuous advancement and progress of POMC. He expressed hope that under the management of Engineer Pazouki, POMC would experience great accomplishments soon, hoping that new projects would be assigned to POMC in the near future.
The next speaker was Dr. Hamid Akbari, the Chief Executive Officer of Petropars. He expressed his thankfulness to the guests as well as Petropars Group employees who were present there and described POMC as a competent and capable company included among Petropars Group companies. According to him the presence of young, educated and specialized workforce cooperating with experienced engineers of POMC, was indicative of existence of an expert, dynamic and reliable team. 
He further noted that Petropars, as a knowledge-based and competent company has been accredited as competent and qualified to undertake E&P projects. He added included among the major objectives of Petropars was the promotion of specialty and expertise. He concluded his comments saying that expansion and development of business should be an important objective and tenet for all companies affiliated to Petropars including POMC. He described Engineer Pazouki as a knowledgeable, informed and experienced director and expressed hope that with Engineer Pazouki acting as the Managing Director, POMC would be assigned new projects shortly. 
Finally, it was Engineer Pazouki, the newly appointed Managing Director of POMC, who spoke to extend his gratitude to members of POMC’s Board of Directors for the trust they have shown and expressed hope that, relaying on his knowledge and familiarity with POMC acquired as of the date he had been appointed a member of the Board of Directors of POMC, to perpetuate the growing trend of progress which POMC had commenced since the years of service by Engineer Salehi.
To conclude his comments he mentioned the years of his service at Petropars and the potential capabilities of POMC and accordingly asked Engineer Masoudi, as the representative of POGC to keep on their trust in POMC as a competent company for implementation of different projects at South Pars.