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Petropars Group Managing Director: POMC Considered a Prestigious Company by the Employers
Petropars Group Managing Director: POMC Considered a Prestigious Company by the Employers

Petropars Group Managing Director: POMC Considered a Prestigious Company by the Employers

  2019 September 08
In the course of the ceremony held for out-going and in-coming Managing Director of POMC, the Managing Director of Petropars commented POMC was considered a prestigious company among the employers and reiterated that it is the most important company affiliated to Petropars based on creation of opportunities for business.

According to a report released by the Public Relations and International Affairs Department of Petropars Group, in the course of the said ceremony in Kangan which was held to appreciate the services rendered by Engineer Ghane and to introduce Engineer Amra’i, respectively the former and the newly-appointed Managing Director of POMC, Engineer Hamid-Reza Masoudi stated that Engineer Ghane was one of the most sincere and hard-working managers whose patience and calmness was an outstanding characteristic whenever he attempted to resolve the issues and problems inflicted upon POMC. I wish him success and all the best in any position he fills.

He further expressed hope that, relying on his young energy and remarkable record of fruitful services at oil industry sector, Engineer Amra’i will contribute to improvement and upgrading of POMC.

He underlined that compared to its rivals one of the remarkable features of POMC is its strong management over HSE issues and its reliance on young workforce. Thanks to these characteristics, POMC has so far managed to complete two mega projects, i.e. Phase 12 and Phase 19 of South Pars Gas Field without any serious incident which is indicative of the fact that competent and expert workforce are engaged and in charge at POMC.

According to him for an organization to grow and promote its position what is required is the sense of belonging and commitment of the company’s managers, directors and workforce. They should believe that the company belongs to them in which case the company begins to flourish.

The Managing Director of Petropars Group stressed that collection of the claims and improvement of the Company is made possible if they are seriously followed up the Company’s managers and directors. To have accomplishments in our business we need to consolidate the organizational structure and further we need to cooperate with contractors as well.

In a short address, Engineer Ghane wished success for POMC and its newly-appointed Managing Director and added, “I worked for Petropars for some 16 years. I started with Phase 4 & 5 and concluded with Phase 12 and Phase 19 which created good memories for me. We had very tough days but they were sweet and memorable for me.”

Engineer Amra’I expressed his thankfulness to Engineer Ghane and wished him success, health and prosperity and commented, “Any position we are appointed to is entrusted to us and our ultimate goal is the maturity and promotion of POMC and safeguard of the interests of its shareholders.”