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Employment of local forces in Dehdasht Petrochemical
Employment of local forces in Dehdasht Petrochemical

Employment of local forces in Dehdasht Petrochemical

  2021 January 21
Managing Director of Petropars Group announced the 50% progress of Dehdasht Petrochemical construction project engineering.

According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of Petropars Group, Mr. Hamidreza Masoudi, stating that continuous and numerous meetings have been held with the project employer, said: Fortunately, with continuous follow-up, good coordination and synergy has been formed in the implementation of this national project, So that now we have achieved about 50% progress in the engineering sector, about 8.21% in the goods sector and about 7.37% in the total project.

Referring to the complete equipping of administrative offices on the site and the provision of temporary engineering camps in Dehdasht, the Managing Director of Petropars Group added: "According to the planning process, leveling and fencing operations of the workshop equipment area, construction of lidan, workshop area, central workshop building, laboratory building Soil mechanics, offices and engineering camps, warehouses, access roads and surface water canals are also being developed.

He also mentioned the employment of specialists and domestic forces as one of the results of the project and said: Now more than 230 people are working on the site, about 85% of whom are domestic forces.

It is worth mentioning that this national plan includes about 71,000 cubic meters of concreting, 6,000 tons of steel structures, 6,200 tons of heavy and semi-heavy equipment, 370,000 inches of ground and underground piping, 850 kilometers of electrical cabling and 1058 kilometers cabling is a precision instrument that is all performed by Iranian contractors.