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The struggle of 1300 – member army to develop Southern Azadegan Field
The struggle of 1300 – member army to develop Southern Azadegan Field

The struggle of 1300 – member army to develop Southern Azadegan Field

  2021 February 09
Currently, over 1300 persons are working on developing Southern Azadegan Field and building Central Processing Unit in order to meet the goals of this joint field sooner.
According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of Petropars Group, considering the geographical size of South Azadegan Oilfield and its location in Hoor and the occurrence of past floods, one of the most basic operations for the development of this national plan is road construction and securing access roads to operational pads and wells.

At the time being, about 700 surface and subsurface and drilling contractors in the format of Iranian capable road building companies as well as other servicing and supporting firms are busy in executing the operations of this large national project; about 92% of these people are local ones.

Also, 400 people of whom 85% are locals in Central Processing Unit of Southern Azadegan Field are working on land operation, piling operation, building foundations for equipment and pipe racks as well as constructing industrial, nonindustrial and other building.

According to the most recent reports, by executing over daily 90 piles, about 50% of piling operation is completed and by adding two new machines to development fleet, it would be increased to 120 piles per day; such volume of pile production and execution operation is peerless.

Southern Azadegan Field development plan operation and constructing Central Processing Unit is supported by 200 people in headquarters. According to statistics, total 1300 people are currently working in this project and by the beginning of Iranian New Year, the figure will be remarkably increased.

Noteworthy, during his visits and numerous meetings with contractors on January 28, 2021 and February 4, 2021, Petro Pars Group CEO emphasized on improving the velocity of conducting the commitment.