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The first South Azadegan CTEP installed
The first South Azadegan CTEP installed

The first South Azadegan CTEP installed

  2021 March 10
The first South Azadegan CTEP installedSimultaneous to executing the operation of constructing the foundation of fixed equipment and Pipe Racks at South Azadegan Central Treatment Export Plant (CTEP), the first crude oil heat exchanger was installed on the relevant foundation.
According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of Petropars Group, these 70tons heat exchangers with altitude of 14 meters and diameter of 2 meters are installed in this Center to exchange inflow/outflow oil products heat.
South Azadegan Central Treatment Export Plant (CTEP) enjoys 40 heat exchangers, half of which will be installed till the end of year based on relevant planning.
In parallel to this operation, constructing foundation and installing Desalter devices are keeping on and upon foundation construction, installation operation for these equipment will be also executed.