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Message of Condolence on the occasion of lose Mr. Torkan
Message of Condolence on the occasion of lose Mr. Torkan

Message of Condolence on the occasion of lose Mr. Torkan

  2021 May 17

With the greatest regret, we were informed that as a hardworking man in oil and gas industry and ex-CEO of Petropars Company, Mr. Akbar Torkan passed away today. We condolence his departure to the family of oil and gas industry and our colleagues in Petropars Company and ask the beneficent Divinity for this effortful man's remission and absolution. 
Noteworthy, he served since 2001 for three years as CEO of Petropars Company and guided this company to undertake its important oil and gas projects and serving the people. 
Undoubtedly, his remembrance will be permanently remained in the heart of Petropars family.