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Countdown for starting the drilling operation to improve production in Foruzan Oil Field
Countdown for starting the drilling operation to improve production in Foruzan Oil Field

Countdown for starting the drilling operation to improve production in Foruzan Oil Field

  2021 June 29
Managing Director of Petropars Group announced the movement of the first heavy drilling rig toward Foruzan Joint Oil Field to begin drilling operation rapidly.

According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs Peropars Group, Hamid Reza Masoudi added: “this heavy drilling rig with base height of 400 feet (122m) will be established on F18 position at Foruzan field upon moving from F14 position at Southern Pars within next one or two days.” 
Concerning the determined job description in drilling contract, he asserted: “on this basis, Petropars Drilling company intends to drill 26 wells including 21 new, 11 repaired and 3 Re-Entry wells by commission them, about 12,000 barrels per day will be added to the Field’s production and forecasted goals to improve its production will be realized. 
Concerning the predicted mission on deploying the first rig, Petropars Group CEO said: “this rig would start its operation by drilling 7 new wells in F18 platform and after 30,000m drilling, it will be transferred to other platforms in the Field in order to repair and Re-Entry other wells in this joint field.  
Noteworthy, Foruzan Oil Field is among old and joint fields with Saudi Arabia with over 200 wells and enhanced oil recovery will be conducted via a contract concluded between Iranian Offshore Oil Company as client and a consortium consists of Petropars Group as leader and the contribution of drilling contractor and Mobin Sazeh Company.