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Petropars has a very heavy mission in the oil and gas industry
Petropars has a very heavy mission in the oil and gas industry

Petropars has a very heavy mission in the oil and gas industry

  2022 January 15
At the introductory ceremony of the new CEO of Petropars Company, the CEO of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) said, "Petropars Company has a very heavy mission in the oil and gas industry to accomplish important projects."

According to the report of the Public Relations and International Affairs of Petropars Group, in the ceremony held on January 15 in the presence of CEOs of NIOC’s subsidiaries and also the Board of Directors of Petropars Company, Dr. Khojastehmehr appreciated the efforts of former CEO Masoudi and welcomed Dr. Seyed Shamsuddin Mousavi, the new CEO. Referring to the NIOC’s trust in Petropars, he said, "Petropars is part of the NIOC and is considered the same as it. Therefore, we expect it to strive to advance and implement projects on time by taking advantage of NIOC’s views and experiences.
Referring to the NIOC’s main goals in implementing the important projects of joint fields with no even one-day delay, he added, "One of these projects is phase 11 of the South Pars joint gas field, which is expected to be seriously implemented by October next year and partly put into operation. Also, the South Azadegan joint oil field and its central treatment export plant (CTEP) is of great importance and should be implemented as soon as possible by eliminating the current bottlenecks and difficulties.
Referring to the sensitivity of Petropars position as a subsidiary of the NIOC and also the direct executor of projects, the NIOC’s CEO continued, "Farzad B and Belal projects are also very important and we expect their accurate and timely implementation." 
Emphasizing professionalism in recruitment and its effect on increasing the quality of work and reducing prices and time, he added, "Do not allow importing goods that are domestically produced, and use local companies and employees to implement the projects." 
Referring to the good record of Petropars Company, Dr. Khojastehmehr expressed hope that this leading company would be the honor of not only the NIOC, but also Iran.