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Ward, an effective ring in realizing Petropars Group's goals
Ward, an effective ring in realizing Petropars Group's goals

Ward, an effective ring in realizing Petropars Group's goals

  2022 June 28
In final session of hearing Petropars Group Ward performance in 1400, Managing Director of Petropars Group introduced Ward as an effective ring in realizing Petropars Group's goals. 

According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of Petropars Group, in this session, Seyyed Shamseddin Moosavi introduced Petropars Group as an unprecedented capacity for the country and emphasized on its important and vital role: "in both upstream and downstream sections of oil and gas industry, Petropars Group is eminent to domestic executive companies which needs special attention in all aspects."  
Dr. Moosavi said that human resource is the most important capital of the company and added: "the role of Ward in protecting human resources, documents, facilities, wells, and pipelines and so on is highly crucial."
He evaluated the interaction between Ward and other sectors very well and pointed out the effectiveness of Jihadi morale in the field of competitive campaign: "under the conditions in which Petropars Group is fully commitment to administration and executing radial projects, the Wars as a ring in the chain of executing Petropars Group's projects plays a very vital role." Managing Director of Petropars Group asserted that one of the tasks of Ward Department is to monitor the news in order to prevent their distortion and pointed out the necessity of updating all sectors including Ward Department and said that organizing training courses by Ward Department is a necessity which should have its own fund. 
The role of Ward Department in current conditions is more determinant than ever
In the meantime, Deputy of the Organization and Director General of Ward Central Office of NIOC introduced Petropars Group as a company with special mechanism that its philosophy is to execute projects more rapidly and to achieve the goals in – time.
Referring to remarkable volume of current contracts in Petropars Group, Ali Reza Damghani said: "management and monitoring the contracts toward realized determined goals demands serious will which is achievable under the shadow of Jihadi and rational morale dominating the company." 
He believed that the role of Ward Department under current conditions is more determinant than ever and said: "holding brainstorm meetings of Ward Department with manager and specialists of the company is a necessity which can yield to expressing the expectations of both parties as stakeholders and more empathy and synergy in achieving understanding and finally facilitating the process of executing Petropars Group's projects.
Deputy of the Organization and Director General of Ward Central Office of NIOC said that organizing final sessions of hearing annual performance or affiliated Ward department by the participation of CEOs is a an opportunity which pave the way for observing the efforts by Ward's forces and to expound difficulties, to clarify the goals and to represent reports of conducted activities. 
He asserted that one the main goals of such sessions is to identify improvable points for each Ward department which needs necessary planning to foster them. 
Noteworthy, by the same attitude, improvable points of Petropars Groups' Ward Department was already identified through various meetings and constructive agreements were made in such cases as electronic protection, removing the barriers in confidential secretariat, revising the structure of Ward Department's staff in both Head Office and projects and accelerating the process of holding protection tenders.