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10-percent progress in the implementation of flow pipelines in South Azadegan oil field
10-percent progress in the implementation of flow pipelines in South Azadegan oil field

10-percent progress in the implementation of flow pipelines in South Azadegan oil field

  2022 August 20
The ‌Managing director of Petropars Group announced the 10-percent progress in the implementation of flow pipelines during phase I of the South Azadegan oil field development project.

As reported of the Public Relations and International Affairs of Petropars Group, Seyed Shamseddin Moosavi announced this piece of news and said, "The contractor for the construction and commissioning of the wellhead facilities and flow pipelines of phase I of South Azadegan, upon receiving the permission to start the work, initiated the engineering and goods supply activities of the project, which has progressed by about 10% up to now".
Pointing out that this operation is being implemented under the EPCC contract, he added, "The contractor’s job description includes the implementation of the wellhead facilities of 42 wells and 6-inch flow pipelines with a length of 29 kilometers and 8-inch flow pipelines with a length of 126 kilometers related to 41 wells as well as the construction of beds 93 and 94 and the development of bed 79 for the preparation of the drilling of three new wells".
Dr. Moosavi stated that the contract for the purchase of flow pipelines, valves and flanges required for the project was concluded by the contractor with the manufacturers and that the goods manufacturing process is starting and he added, "The engineering documents related to the main goods of the project such as HIPPS, Wellhead Control Panel, chemical injection equipment and the rest of piping items have been prepared and we are in negotiations with domestic manufacturers to receive technical proposals. It is expected that construction contracts will be concluded with the relevant manufacturers within the next month".
The Managing Director of Petropars Group also announced the negotiations with domestic companies for cladding and creating the internal coating of high-pressure pipes in the wellhead sector and emphasized the determination of Petropars to fulfill its commitment for the early production of wells related to this field. He stated, "Thanks to the assistance of the esteemed employer, we have started the delivery of the goods related to the flow pipelines of five wells located on beds 44, 45 and 46 in recent days, delivered about 2.5 kilometers of the total 35 kilometers of pipes related to these five wells, with 6-and 8-inch sizes, to the contractor in trust, and started the operation of threading and welding the pipes". 
He added, "We have also received a list of goods related to the wellhead facilities of these wells, part of which will be provided to the contractor by the esteemed employer, and we are in negotiations to supply the other part of the required goods from domestic sources".
It should be noted that, based on the policies of Petropars Group regarding the maximum use of indigenous and local forces, at least 70% of the contractor’s forces in the implementation of this project have been selected from among indigenous experts and workers.