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Accelerating the development of phase 11 with the  revolutionary movement of Petropars
Accelerating the development of phase 11 with the  revolutionary movement of Petropars

Accelerating the development of phase 11 with the  revolutionary movement of Petropars

  2022 August 24
Emphasizing the revolutionary measures taken in the development of phase 11 of South Pars, the oil minister announced the completion of the first phase wells within the next month and the possibility of extracting 11 million cubic meters of gas daily from this winter.

According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of Petropars Group, in part of his speech in the live television program, referring to the delay in the development and operation of South Pars Phase 11 in the past, he said: In this government,  revolutionary work is done by the company. It happened with National Iranian Oil Company, Pars Oil and Gas Company and with Petropars as a contractor, and with the initiative of local experts, platform 12C from the phase 12 development plan, which did not increase productivity, will be assembled and installed in position 11B.

He added: "The other platform has also gone to tender and it will take several years to be built." The sea to land pipeline was implemented and the first phase wells will be completed within the next month.

The oil minister further said about the measures taken for the development of phase 11 of South Pars in the 13th government: Now 705 million cubic meters are extracted from the South Pars gas field, the record of this extraction was changed last year, and the only phase that is undecided is this phase 11, which is 20 years old. It has become a charm and has been exchanged between foreign companies in these years and nothing has happened to it.

Mr, Oji also said about the forecast of the harvest from this phase: This winter, South Pars will harvest 11 million cubic meters per day from Phase 11.