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Opening of the Public Relations and International Affairs Studio at Petropars Group with the Presence of the CEO
Opening of the Public Relations and International Affairs Studio at Petropars Group with the Presence of the CEO

Opening of the Public Relations and International Affairs Studio at Petropars Group with the Presence of the CEO

  2024 July 01

According to the Public Relations and International Affairs Department of Petropars Group, in the opening ceremony of the studio, Dr. Alikhani emphasized the importance of form and content in enhancing audio-visual productions and raising awareness and knowledge among Petropars Group employees. He stated: "Given the diverse activities of Petropars Group in various industrial and cultural fields, and the urgent need for the group's companies to introduce their existing capacities to different internal and external sections, the necessity of having a studio was felt more than ever. Today, we are witnessing the inauguration of this significant and prestigious facility thanks to the efforts of my colleagues in the Public Relations and International Affairs Department of Petropars Group."
Dr. Alikhani stressed: "The use of the latest and most up-to-date technical and specialized facilities in this studio, along with the employment of specialized human resources, will ensure that we will now see the production of valuable content to introduce the services of Petropars Group."
It is worth mentioning that the Public Relations and International Affairs Department of Petropars Group, as a pioneering entity in the production of audio-visual products, is among the few companies in the oil and gas industry in the country that benefits from a dedicated and well-equipped studio, making it a leader in this field. The studio is equipped with the latest audio-visual equipment, and all companies in the group can use it for recording video interviews and news, producing content in the virtual studio, and creating podcasts (audio content) according to the plans made by the Public Relations and International Affairs Department of Petropars Group.