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Countdown to Hydrocarbon Exploitation in Phase 11, the Last Phase of South Pars Gas Field
Countdown to Hydrocarbon Exploitation in Phase 11, the Last Phase of South Pars Gas Field

Countdown to Hydrocarbon Exploitation in Phase 11, the Last Phase of South Pars Gas Field

  2023 June 28

Due to the successful installation of the first phase 11 platform of South Pars, the giant shared gas field between Iran and Qatar, the countdown to the production of the last phase of the South Pars gas field has been started.

According to Public Relations & International Affairs of Petropars Group report, because of successful and complete separation of the phase 12 platform (Topside) and its finished installation in the phase 11 position today morning, Wednesday June 28, 2023, phase 11 will be the last phase of South Pars common gas field to be considered for early production in the first half of this year.

The installation operation of the first platform in phase 11 was started just after the SP12C platform from phase 12 was separated in the last few days of last year and sent and installed in the position of SP11B phase 11 of South Pars in the first week of July this year. This operation is accomplished successfully due to the effort and strength of Iranian experts despite various problems such as restrictions caused by long term sanctions.

This operation, which is an important step in realizing the exploitation of phase 11, shows the technical ability and knowledge of domestic experts and the readiness of Iranian companies to carry out similar projects at the regional and international level. This operation is one of the most unique offshore operations in Iran's oil industry to date, with the aim of accelerating the exploitation and production of gas and with the initiative action in separating and moving the 3200-ton platform (Topside) from position 12C to 11B. Furthermore, connecting the gas pipelines of this phase to the existing live gas transmission lines in phase 12 was very risky. By performing this operation, the required production time for phase 11 of South Pars has been reduced by at least three years.

The South Pars phase 11 contract was signed in 2015 for 3.9 billion dollars in a consortium consisting of France's Total, China's CNPC and Iran's Petropars companies. After new terms of brutal sanctions were established in 2017, the foreign countries left Iran. Anyways, with the aim of producing two billion cubic feet of gas per day and setting up a pressure boosting platform in the form of an IPC contract, it was assigned to Petropars as the largest oil and gas contractor and the top Iranian E&P company by the National Iranian Oil Compan. Petropars Company has developed more than half of the phases of the South Pars common field by using the capabilities of Iranian experts, contractors and builders.

After the operation of the phase 14 refinery was accomplished in Esfand 1401, the onshore part of the South Pars field was completed. Hence, phase 11, which is located on the border of the South Pars field with Qatar, is the only remaining phase of this field as offshore. This phase is on the threshold of exploitation now in the 13th government administration even though there were many condition changes since 1379 and more than 23 years of indeterminations.

It is worth mentioning, even though the exploitation of phase 11 had reached the initial production of 15 million cubic meters per day before the winter of 1401, with the completion of the remaining sections it is expected to observe a gradual increase in production up to 56 million cubic meters per day, which will help to compensate part of the gas imbalance in the country.

After drilling and completing all the wells and platforms, the value of the produced products in phase 11 (including 50 million cubic meters per day of sweet gas, 2750 tons per day of ethane, 1800 tons per day of propane, 1100 tons per day of butane and 77 thousand barrels per day of condensate gas) is estimated at 3.5 billion dollars per year.