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Opening of the Petropars Group Health Center
Opening of the Petropars Group Health Center

Opening of the Petropars Group Health Center

  2023 July 16
The inauguration ceremony for the Petropars Group Health Center was held on Sunday, July 16th, officially marking the launch of this facility.

According to the Public Relations and International Affairs of Petropars Group, the official ceremony for the opening of the Petropars Group Health Center was attended by Dr. Ansari, Advisor to the Minister of Oil; guests from the Oil Industry Health and Medical Organization; the Safety, Health, and Environment Management; Human Resources Management; and the Safety, Health, Environment, and Passive Defense Management of the National Iranian Oil Company. Also present were the board members, CEO, managers of subsidiary companies, and senior managers of the Petropars Group. During the ceremony, Sheida Sajjadi, Head of the Petropars Group Health Center, presented a report on the country's health status, the direct and indirect costs incurred by the country due to healthcare expenses, and the preventive service packages provided by the Petropars Group Health Center.

Opening the Petropars Group Health Center is a Major Event

Dr. Razmi, Head of Safety, Health, Environment, and Passive Defense at the National Iranian Oil Company, congratulated the Petropars Group on the opening of its Health Center, noting that it reflects Petropars Group's commitment to the health of its workforce. He emphasized that investing in the health and education of human resources is not an expense but a long-term investment in the health of the environment, equipment, and people, ultimately benefiting the organization.

The Petropars Group Team Deserves the Best

During the event, the CEO of Petropars Group welcomed the attendees and emphasized that Petropars Group is indeed a family. He noted that just as a person strives to provide the best facilities for their family, Petropars Group also deserves the best. Thus, establishing the Petropars Group Health Center, although a small initiative, results from the teamwork of all company departments and the support and follow-up of the Petropars Group's board of directors. Dr. Alikhani added that implementing projects and producing oil and gas, which increase national wealth, is Petropars Group's main mission. Achieving this goal is linked to the health of the workforce and the revitalization and strengthening of the organization's human resources. Therefore, establishing the Petropars Group Health Center is a small but important step in this regard.

Focus on Developing Healthcare Centers to Avoid Stagnation is Essential

Dr. Farshad, Human Resources Director of the National Iranian Oil Company, highlighted the importance of establishing and operating the Petropars Group Health Center and identified two major risks facing service centers: stagnation and limiting services to a small group of stakeholders. He suggested that the way to avoid these risks and ensure the effectiveness of healthcare centers is to focus on development.

The Oil Industry Health and Medical Organization is Ready to Collaborate with the Petropars Group Health Center

Dr. Peyvandi, Director of Health and HSE at the Oil Industry Health and Medical Organization, emphasized the preventive and digital health aspects of the Petropars Group Health Center’s service package. He stated that this center could benefit from the Oil Industry’s digital services, and his organization is ready to collaborate with the Petropars Group Health Center.